domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010


 Agora sinto o ódio escorrendo pelos meus dedos, sinto um desejo ardente de vingança, pelo que você fez com a pessoa que mais me ama.
 Você se acha dono de um império, e pensa que nos pode fazer de seus súditos, mal sabes que te enganas, me fizestes passar por humilhações, tirou a confiança da pessoa mais importante de mim, agora você caiu de seu império, agora é minha vez de pisar em cima de você.
 Dia após dia eu desejo seu sangue, seu sofrimento, eu desejo sentir o sabor do seu sangue, te desejar a morte seria pouco, chegou ao fim sua época de tirania, meus olhos ardem ao te ver, meu corpo fica trêmulo na vontade de te apunhalar e leva-lo pessoalmente aos portais do inferno, se eu estivesse em seu lugar não seria tão cético em relação a demônios, pois legiões do inferno alimentam esse ódio dentro de mim, talvez você nunca leia esse texto, mas saiba que fostes tolo em ter cometido tal erro, suportei-te por muito tempo, mas agora é hora de ver você pagar o que fez comigo e com ela.

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

Man Without An Arm

There's something behind all of this
That i can't comprehend
But all that happened never made much sense.
I confess, everything will remain passing on my head
I'm a little bit frustrated

Cause you were so perfect
But now you're just someone who gave me fun on the bed

You can laugh of me
You can make me a joke
You can ignore me
Tell was never love

I was a man without an arm
I said you were like my arm
I can see your tears of laugh
I'm sorry that i couldn't say nothing better
Cause you couldn't make feel nothing better
You can laugh of my face
You think you're safe
Let the candles burn
Pray for all gods you know for a bless
Don't forget that you'll pay all your debts

Without the arm
You fired me on the head and heart
Yeah i was a fucked guy
But this man knew the meaning of die
And this guy was born again with a new arm
Tired of hear the fucking love lies
Laugh of me
Behind of your smile there's a blank face
I don't know enough about yourself

Spitting Hatred

I'll throw up words of love
Can't you see i'm bleeding ?
Every drop of this blood loves you
Can you see my wounds bubbling ?
Each wound will remain raw
Do you know how much i suffer?
My body has the stench of death
Spit into the mouth that kisses you
Break the arms that hugs you
Amputate the legs that run to see you
Blind the eyes that behold thee
I'm burning with the fever that consumes me
This addictive poison me
I can't cut that umbilical cord that feeds me
It comes from you!
The blood that sustains me (it comes from you!)
Am i wishing the death?
After this will i resurrect from the mud?
God have mercy for my poor sinful soul!
If i already suffer on earth so i don't want to know what is hell
I'm just spitting my hate

Igor Costa